Kongsberg Touring 300
This was my first trip to the Callaghan Country ski trails, and it was pretty much a day long waxing experiment....

....and my conclusion: LEARN HOW TO WAX SKIS or moreover BC is not MN! A good couple inches of very sticky snow on the bottom of those skis made for a very exciting day.

Callaghan Lake

Callaghan Lake

I chose my setup to be the opposite of high-tec: wooden skis with triple prong binders and old leather duck foot boots, bamboo poles, flannel lined jeans and a wool sweater.

On my way back down the Mainline trail with a breathtaking view of the not so black Black Tusk.
Day one from parking lot to Callaghan Lake and back, total distance: 19km

The second time went up to the Callaghan was the last weekend before they closed to the public for the Olympics. The snow was much warmer and turned out to be less sticky, whoda thunk.
Solitude Glacier and some wild pillows on the left.

Creek on coming out from the glacier

Heading down Wild Spirit and Real Life trails

Fog in the woods

Very nice fella named Brad who owns the joint stopped to make sure I wasn't having any problems. There was a very nice stand of old growth yellow cedars I passed through, here a big Hemlock on the left.
Day two from the parking up Mainline lot to Solitude Glacier and down Wild Spirit, total distance: 31km
Trail map: