7731 Montcalm Street
Vancouver, BC V6P 4D1
We rent the lower right quarter of the house from a large Greek family. The entire extended family lives together, big ol European family style. The parents don't speak much english and the grandparents not a lick but the little kids love it.

Montcalm St. looking south towards Richmond
The neighborhood is called Marpole and consists mainly of middle class immigrants who love their gardens. The block is usually pretty calm with the occasional Lamborghini or police car flying by on Grandville or Park.

Typical nice car, house and garden (aka hedgework) combo all too often in this city.

Another typical Marpole/Kerrisdale street

The livingroom is where all the quality time takes place. The carpet and one lazyboy were given to us by the landlords but the rest came from thrift stores and allies. We have wall hangings from Bolivia, pictures from Romania and Austria, Lake Superior Agates, handmade furniture and bean bags; is there anything more classy than that combination?

My room: a queen size bed and enough floor space for a few loads of laundry.

This is where the real magic happens; the kitchen. The little hall way goes to our rooms and the bathroom.

Fall colors at the cliffs

The hidden spots to the northwest of campus are what make UBC what it is; unbelievable.

Sitting in the "hand of god"

From Queen Elizabeth Park on 33rd and Cambie looking towards North Vancouver.

Queen Elizabeth Park looking up Lynn Canyon and Seymour

Maybe a Japanese Maple or something of the sort

On the Faser River looking south towards the light polluted Richmond

The best part of living super far south is that we can walk to Costco and cab home. The fridge is full and it snowed a foot in Whis last week....hmmm I feel it coming